26 Comments Add yours

  1. Kavey says:

    Oh my goodness. I love this post, though I’m sorry the thoughts my post provoked made you sad, I’m thrilled that they’ve lead you to book this dream trip. That’s just wonderful!

    1. I am so thankful to you! Sometimes being sad is necessary – your post really was the catalyst!

  2. Alison May says:

    Books and films play a huge role in introducing us to stories about parts of the world. I’m so glad that you made the decision to go to Egypt and fulfill a lifelong fascination.

    1. I am so excited! All the books I’m reading right now are set in or about Egypt 😂

  3. danik says:

    Great post and lots of inspiration for you to go to Egypt. I really want to go there also and slide down those triangle things 😉

    1. That would be a ride and a half! XD

  4. Good for you! I can promise you that you won’t be disappointed – I went last year and you will see things which are more fantastic than the photos show. Make sure you go to the Valley of the Kings;)

    1. I am so excited, I will be visiting as many tombs as is physically possible XD

  5. Love this. I’m a big fan of Kavey and her travel posts. Love that she inspired you to book your trip.

  6. Sally says:

    You will love it. And Jordan is one of the most extraordinary places in the world. I just wish you could visit Syria. That’s why you are so wise to seize the day

    1. I wish with all my heart I could see Syria, such a beautiful country – and so much history.

  7. Claudia says:

    I might actually suffer from the same condition… especially with Instagram that you see so many pictures and details about so many different destinations. Sometimes these preconceptions can make or break a destination. It has happened to me, I had soooo much expectations for some places and the experience was completely different.. this was Paris for me

    1. Paris is a huge one! I had few, and mostly negative, assumptions about Paris and as it turned out I had a great time. Instagram has a lot to do with it.

  8. I’m so glad you made the leap and booked your trip to Egypt! You won’t regret it. The historical sites are spectacular. I regret not having time to visit Jordan as well while in Egypt, and hope to visit there also someday. Enjoy your trip!

    1. I am so excited to see the sites! I am a classicist and historian and will, i’m sure, bore the socks off my poor trip mates XD

  9. What an inspirational post. It is true, movies and media have so much to do with our travel desires. I hope your trip to Egypt is everything you’ve hoped for. Have a fabulous time.

    1. Thanks! 🙂 🙂

  10. Jenna Kvidt says:

    That’s so awesome that you booked a trip! Can’t wait to hear more about your experience. It is so interesting how our views are formed about a place without even visiting–it’s always interesting to see how they compare to the real place. Hope you have a wonderful time!

    1. Thanks! I’m looking forward to it SO much! There will be many many many photos and I will absolutely write about it here 😁😁😁

  11. Katherine says:

    What a great post and a fantastic snap decision! I keep putting off Egypt too, but because I don’t want it to be something other than what I’m hoping it is. Which is ridiculous, because a place is what it is. And I have that romantic notion in my head too – of archaeologists and sweeping pyramids and friendly people.

    1. I’m glad I’m not alone! I know many archaeologists currently in Egypt and I over romanticise them as well 😂 one day maybe I’ll get to work on a dig there ❤

  12. Nancy says:

    What an inspiring post – it is so awesome that you booked the trip! “Nostalgia in reverse, the longing for yet another strange land, grew especially strong in spring” really resonates with me. I feel like I need to book a trip too 🙂

    1. I’m so excited! You should! Book one, let me know where you go! 😁

  13. Can;t wait to follow your Egypt trip! I actually semi don’t want to visit Egypt, the reason being exactly this, that I have these built up expectations in my head from TV and literature, and I don’t want the idea in my mind to fall short if the reality isn’t all that. I picture Egypt too to be romantic, and grand, and picturesque. And I’ve quite often found that you can ruin a destination by building it up in your head. Will be interested to see if you feel it lives up to the hype for you!

  14. nlwander says:

    this is really great!!

    hope you check my blog too… 😃

    1. Thanks! I will 🙂

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